Discover Our Range
Our talented chefs, along with Dietitian and Nutritionist Susie Burrell, have created a delicious range of calorie-controlled meals made with veggies, grains and high-quality protein. Snap-frozen and ready to enjoy in just a few minutes.

A Simple Approach to Balanced Eating
With a balanced mix of carbs, protein and good fats and oils, as well plenty of veggies and some fruit, Lean Cuisine® makes good nutrition simple.

A Helping Hand to Live a Balanced Life
Balanced eating is one part of the equation. Good nutrition, exercise and wellbeing all go hand in hand towards achieving a balanced life.

Coming Soon… Your Pocket Nutritionist
You can track your healthy eating, receive guidance and tips from Susie. Like your own personalised Nutritionist with the Lean Cuisine® Australia app.
The Lean Cuisine® App - Coming Soon!
Take the guesswork out of healthy eating with the Lean Cuisine® Australia App to create your simple, personalised eating plan.

Healthy Eating can be simple. We’ve created a delicious range of calorie-controlled ready meals, made with veggies, grains and high quality proteins. Snap-frozen ready to enjoy in just a few minutes! Save money, time and cleaning up with Lean Cuisine®.

The Lean Cuisine® Healthy Eating Pyramid supports a simple ratio of mostly veggies, some fruit, carbs, protein and good fats and oils. This reliable way of eating takes the guess work out of healthy eating. To reach your Optimum Healthy Life, you also need to make sure you add exercise, stay hydrated, sleep well and have a positive mindset.

Susie Burrell, B. Nutr and Diet (Hons), B.Sc (psych) (Hons), M. Sc (Coach Psych), is one of Australia’s leading Dietitians and Nutritionists. Susie supports the Lean Cuisine® Philospohy of Simple Balanced Nutrition. Find out more about Susie and how we can help you achieve Simple Balanced Nutrition.

Meet our Nutritionist and Dietitian, Susie Burrell
Lean Cuisine® has partnered with one of Australia’s leading Dietitians and Nutritionists Susie Burrell. You will often find Susie discussing everything nutrition on TV, in magazines and newspapers.
Susie is also a professional nutritional advisor for sporting teams and TV shows such as “The Biggest Loser”. She has written the popular book “Losing the Last 5 Kgs”. Now, you too can have access to Susie’s nutritional recommendations, personalised for you.
Hydrate Regularly
Hydration is an important part of weight control – aim for at least 2L, or 8 glasses, of water, herbal tea or sparkling water each day for optimal hydration.
Snack Attack
Pay attention to the times you enjoy your meals and snacks and ideally aim for 3-4 hours in between each meal or snack to support appetite and weight control.
It's All About Planning
Planning is the key to dietary success. Take time out each week to consider your meals and snacks in advance and you will find it is much easier to keep on track with your food each day.
Why meals matter...
Eating better for less!
Getting your carb balance right
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