Eating to support immunity

A drop in temperatures means that colds and flu are in the air and bumping up our intake of nutrient rich foods to help support immune function is a good idea. Eating to support immunity is not about mega dosing the Vitamin C or drinking nothing but fresh juice. Rather, optimising the body’s ability to […]
Simple, Balanced Nutrition – Are You Getting Enough Veggies?

Nutrition can be pretty complicated – Omega-3’s, macronutrients, fat loss, metabolism, probiotics, prebiotics, magnesium, selenium, meal replacements, just to name a few of the terms thrown around when talk turns to diets, food and nutrition. While nutrition may seem complicated, it can also be relatively simple, once you know and focus on a few basics. […]
Simple Balanced Dinners

Time is our most precious asset and we are all familiar with the late afternoon and evening rush to finish work, juggle the traffic, get to the gym or some sort of activity, sort out the kids and the pets and prepare a healthy, balanced dinner. Is it any wonder so many of us are […]
The power of lunch in health and weight control

We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but why are we not paying a lot more attention to our lunch? A nutritionally balanced lunch can play a key role in regulating both our calorie intake and appetite through the afternoon, making a solid argument for taking even a few […]
Calorie Control

Calories are tricky. At times we are told we should count them. At others that they are not important and that it is more important to eat according to hunger and fullness rather than according to calories. It may surprise you to hear that the calculation of calories is not an exact science, and as […]
Fresh vs Frozen

When it comes to healthy eating, we are generally told that fresh is best. So where does this leave frozen foods – veggies, fruits and meals? How are they frozen? Are they as nutritious frozen? All your questions are answered right here. As food technology has advanced, so too have food processing techniques. This means […]

If there is one area of nutrition in which the thinking has changed significantly in recent years it is in relation to snacking. Once considered extremely important to keep the metabolism pumping, what was once a small snack of a piece of fruit or a coffee is more likely now a small meals worth of […]

When it comes to weight control and healthy eating, protein is frequently mentioned. So what exactly is protein, why do we need it, where do you find it and how much do you need? Everything you need to know about protein is right here. What is protein? As one of the 3 key nutrients, protein […]

Calories can be extremely confusing – how many do you need, how many do you need if you want to lose weight, how do you factor in exercise and how do you know if you are consuming too many or too few? Indeed calories are complicated and it may surprise you to hear that calculating […]
Introducing: The Lean Range by Lean Cuisine®

I am very excited to share with you a project I have been working on for more than 12 months! Today we launch a reformulated, and new range of Lean Cuisine® – the frozen, calorie controlled meals that have lived in the frozen meal section of supermarkets for almost 30 years. While you may be […]